Smallforms w/ Thomas Berghammer x Gran Bankrott
The monthly series of smallforms seeks to support contemporary and experimental forms of music which require an attitude of listening.
in collaboration with the artspace
Friday 31st January 2020
Doors: 20h
Music: 20h30
★ Thomas Berghammer
trompete, flügelhorn, altohorn, u.a. musiker, komponist, pädagoge
lebe und arbeite seit 1991 in wien. vorherige studien an den musikunis in linz und graz. vornehmliche auseinandersetzung mit frei improvisierter musik, contemporary jazz und world music. co-veranstalter bei monday improvisers session, die von marco eneidi 2005 begründete und nun mehr seit 14 jahren bestehende internationale musikreihe im celeste, hamburgerstraße/wien. zahlreiche auftritte im in- und ausland.
konzerte, aktuelle und vergangene projekte
mit marco eneidi, joe mcphee roscoe mitchell, joëlle léandre, georg gräwe, wolfgang mitterer, mars williams, wolfgang reisinger, mats gustafssion, ken vandermark, hannes löschel, thomas stempkowsky, hilary jeffery, paul lovens, frank gratowski, tobias delius, sebi tramontana, dieter manderscheid, michael vatcher, eckhard koltermann, oskar aichinger, tony buck, john lindberg, martin siewert, burkhard stangl, hilary jeffrey, achim krämer, theo jörgensmann, otto lechner, susanna gartmayer, katharina klement, dd kern, helmut neugebauer, franz hautzinger, phillip quehenberger, mamadou diabate, phil minton, clayton thomas, irene kepl, wolter wierbos, orchester 33 1/3, grubenklangorchester, klangkombinat kalksburg, nifty’s, die stadtkapelle und einige mehr
aktuelle eigene ensembles als leader und co-leader
TT – thomas stempkowski, th b
bzss – th b, martin zrost, oliver steger, paul skrepek
kgb – didi kern, susanna gartmayer, th b
solo – trumpet, voice, devices
★ Gran Bankrott
Gran is dead! Long live Gran Bankrott! After one EP and two LPs, DIY-jack-of-all- trades Florian Tremmel says goodbye to his solo act Gran to resurrect him in the form of Gran Bankrott. On The Album we encounter a lot of Gran’s already outstanding act in post punk circles: A skilful mix of groovy driven post punk à la Gang of Four, big poses towards Wire, enriched with synth-laden excursions into darker new wave realms and finally rounded off with a fine touch of dub, pop and funk refinements. Gran Bankrott, – now supported by Numavi Records, who are never tired passionates of the Austrian musical underground – is not the only good news: Not only the mainly German lyrics, but also some synth effects or noise loops remind of the interface of NDW and avant-garde punk, which were celebrated by Zigzag Record bands like Abwärts in the 80s. While they translate the hustle of everyday urban life – from loud gasoline engines to shrill beeping supermarket tills – Gran Bankrott leads us through the current dreariness of what is supposedly the world’s most livable city, Vienna. This journey takes us past rental electric scooters that are carelessly distributed on the sidewalks by slim-fit suits, as well as through a parcours full of racing, underpaid bicycle suppliers dressed in shrill neon colors.
This LP comprises hymns for a generation of precarious people who are not quite satisfied with any of the social offers. In the hypnotizing first video extraction Raum, an ode to subcultural oases, such as the Viennese art space SSTR6, a temporary vanishing point in this misery is sketched: „this space gives applause, I rest in it“. Certainly not a rescue, but at least a breather. The slogan remains: Precarious people of all countries unite and dance Dark Pogo with Gran Bankrott!
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von SKE und der Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien.