Feel warmly invited to

XX ART Flânerie: Château Rouge

Doors open 19:00
Start 20:30

Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 17, 1120
The art and project room is located within walking distance of the Schönbrunn Palace Park and can be used for exhibitions, performances, rehearsal room for dance and theatre, seminars, as a photo studio or PoP-Up Store. The approx. 100m² large room is located in the basement of a Viennese residential building and offers an atmosphere in industrial style with its 3 m high barrel vault, white brick walls and numerous windows. Quick access thanks to convenient transport connections to buses and the U4 underground stations Meidling and Schönbrunn.

Julz 17 / 20:00 :

Fatalismius Spunk

Jeschka Oszilat and Power keep b2b very strictly to No Genres: lottery music, depending on the mood sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Post Punk. Luderlieder. Ballads. Wave. Electronic or trash. Whatever, as long as it is fatal

Bassano Bonelli Bassano.


David Pujadas Bosch.

Shorts Films

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